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Jordan Kiser
Jul 23, 2021
Singlehood: Ain’t She A B!tch?
¿WhY aRe YoU sInGlE? Or, my favorite, why have you been single so long? Let’s talk about this, cause I get asked this a lot // There’s...

Jordan Kiser
Jul 14, 2021
Going for Gold
Hey hey hey! This one is a little wordy, less picture-y. It's another beautiful day, another day waking up blessed with air to breathe,...

Jordan Kiser
Jul 8, 2021
Girls Beach Bound
Good morning (or afternoon or late night or whenever you make it to this post)! It is a Monday and the true definition of a fresh start...

Jordan Kiser
Jun 30, 2021
Hey hey hey! Welcome to the good stuff!
Hello there and welcome to my blog! First and foremost, thank you for taking some time out of your day to do a little deep dive into the...
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